What is The Rescue Effect™?


What is The Rescue Effect™? The result of being driven to focus your energy into something greater than yourself, building community and seeing results. This can take many forms. In the scientific community, it refers to a natural process that affects the survival of island species. In human culture, we find communities of people whose life mission may include helping veterans, the homeless, rescuing animals, or rescuing women and children from the horrors of sex trafficking. Right here, right now, The Rescue Effect™ has been born to reflect an urgent need to rescue America, our homeland. The last bastion of freedom.

If we fail to rescue America, all else fails. Homelessness, animal abandonment, and women and children being sold into slavery will increase to levels we cannot imagine. And that’s just America — these problems and more will explode worldwide. 

Speaking of rescuing animals, that was the initial plan for this website. Then, the dreaded “China virus” hit, and the world became divided —well, it became more obvious how divided and lost we were.  

The anger and ignorance displayed made it clear that as a culture, our roots have been decimated. Rather than screaming to get a point across, I felt we all needed to be reminded of who we are, both as sovereign individuals within a community and country, and as a country that was built to honor that relationship. 

So, what you will find here are foundational American Pride messages, like the Preamble to our Constitution and The Pledge of Allegiance. Personal empowerment messages about eating healthy and considering natural lifestyles. Things that both empower you to connect with like-minded Americans, and to spark interest in others who have been lost in the sea of misinformation, and forgot who they were. 

While I have struggled over the past two years with waking people up, I realized I wasn’t using my voice in the right way for me. With the launch of this website and these wearable messages of freedom, I hope to change that. Through the collective of patriots, we can plant the seeds together, and feed and nurture our roots to reignite our beloved America, as she was meant to be. 

I thank you all for being here, and being a part of a future that only we can and must create. May God bless you all, and God Bless America.


1 comment

  • Andrea, excellent introduction. I will share with everyone and pray for our rescue!

    Rose Schilling-Motter

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