Gas is Outrageous. Travel Anyway.

My dog's first horse encounter was a success!

Like many, the events of the last two years triggered a complete change to my routine. While I have adapted, I recently noticed my productivity tanking, as well as my mood. The occasional interactions with work associates, friends, and family wasn’t enough. I realized it was time to hit the road for a bit. I needed a break from my daily routine and change of scenery.

Off I went, dog in tow, traveling through four states on the open road. I took the long route to visit my best friend and some family members in different locations. Seven hours one way, ten hours back and totally worth the extra miles and time.

In my travels, these things struck me:

  • Everything looks and feels different outside of my normal routine.
  • During a time of restriction, driving alone on the open road and seeing changing landscapes is FREEING.
  • People are still wearing masks. Less so, but nonetheless, still present.
  • Most strangers are still friendly, good people. They want to engage, if for just a moment.
  • Rural Americans know what’s going on, and aren’t afraid of facing the realities.
  • Shutting out the social media for a few days, even alt-news, was a good thing.
  • Seeing people living their lives showed me that despite all the horrible things happening in the world, life goes on.
Beautiful river views from hike in a state park

What I haven’t mentioned was the cost of gas - the day I set out on my travels, gas was $3.59 a gallon (up from $3.19). Throughout my trip, I witnessed and paid up to $4.09, all within a few days. Several times I saw the gas station marquees blink before my eyes to display the day’s daunting new price.

With Biden’s latest gaffs, we know higher prices are inevitable. But, I say FJB and travel anyway, if at all possible. You don’t have to do it often, or break the bank to do it. Chart a destination, bring food, and stay in a campground. Head out on one path, return on another. See something new. Talk to strangers. Smell the fresh air. I promise you’ll come home with a fresh perspective. I sure did.


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