F-22 Break the Sound Barrier!

We’ve certainly been through the wringer for the last two years. It has been much longer than that, but I’m really just referring to the obvious. At least the obvious to the awakened.

We ended 2021 with the super-quiet Ghislaine Maxwell case that resulted in her conviction, yet, what it really did was seal the evidence against many sick perpetrators in high places. This is the case that could have finally lifted the veil from the matrix we live in and exposed all the evils that have plagued our world.

Then, there is Julian Assange, the man who will hopefully someday be seen as the world’s greatest hero. Without his wikileaks, we would have never seen the levels of corruption that exist. Yet, his reward is declining mental and physical health as he awaits an appeal on US extradition, which could be his demise if unsuccessful.

The J6 Prisoners - Prisoners Of War, on American soil, mind you - are still prisoners! And, many Americans remain stuck in Afghanistan after the greatest debacle of all time. Aside from imprisonment, the common denominator here appears to be a set-up or incompetence, both leading to destruction of lives.

I could go on and on about the clown world absurdities that both American citizens and those worldwide continue to be accosted with daily. Instead, let’s flip this thing!

F-22 Raptor Fighter Jet

Let’s channel the amazing U.S. Air Force Fighter jet, the F-22 Raptor. (Appropriate for the year 2022, I think). It leaves a plume of vapor as it BREAKS THE SOUND BARRIER. It’s time to get loud, folks. Use your God-given freedoms to break the sound barrier!

Many in countries around the world are doing this with peaceful protests by the millions. They are defying illegal laws in defense of their personal freedoms, and making progress. People think that spirit is lacking in the U.S., but there are many factors at play. One of which includes the fact that we are spread across a vast amount of land in the U.S. Each state is like a country in Europe. But, in the end, it is up to us to rescue ourselves.

Here, it may be most effective to start locally, in communities, counties, cities, and states. Connect with like-minded folks and decide together where you can be most effective. Find ways to use your talents to reach people. For me, it’s making t-shirts to start conversations. What is it for you?

Recently, I connected with someone in my area who had felt totally alone with his views. I felt the same, so the meeting was cathartic for us both. Our next plan of action is to have a casual meeting over coffee, inviting the few people we know who feel the same. Our first goal is simply to grow our network and help others to know they aren’t alone. While this in itself may not immediately break the sound barrier, it is certain to let down our personal barriers. This builds the momentum. Get started in your own community today, and make this new year one of positive action.

Happy New Year, Patriots!


  • Great article and ideas. Our community is growing. We need to find more ways to connect and use this and other platforms to get together.

    Rose Marie
  • Yes, time to break the sound barrier! Good article! :-)

    Karen Mobilia

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